Jackfir Conversations: Nick Cutsumpas of @farmernick
written by Charlie Razook, Founder

Jackfir sat down with gardener, landscaper, and environmentalist Nick Cutsumpas of @farmernick for an in-depth discussion on green thumbs, gardening tips, and skincare routines!
How did you get into gardening and landscaping?
I started gardening in my parents backyard after college. I had just finished my baseball career, and was about to start my corporate job in the city, so my mom suggested I start a garden because I loved being outside. From the moment I tried that first tomato off the vine I was hooked, and after moving to NYC three years later, I immersed myself in the houseplant and urban landscaping space.
What are your top tips for sprucing up a boring plot of grass? Are there any easy edible plants that are your go to for vegetable gardens?
First thing I'd say is to kill off the grass completely. Solarization, rototiller or sheet mulching with cardboard can help with this. Then I would immediately begin planting native plants in your growing region to attract local wildlife. These plants will be way lower maintenance than your traditional turf grasses and require less water and chemical fertilizers.
Do you have a skincare routine? If so, what is it?
My skincare routine is somewhat minimal, and should be better, but it mainly revolves around using cleanser and lotion every night. My work gets dirty (literally) and it's important to cleanse so I don't end up with clogged pores.
Which Jackfir product is your favorite?